PFAS Product Restrictions is a compliance feature that helps brands prevent shipping PFAS-containing products to states with restrictions, ensuring regulatory compliance with new state-level PFAS regulations coming in January 2025.
What is PFAS Product Restrictions?
Brands can now label products containing PFAS in their product catalog
Admins can configure shipping restrictions for restricted states and for warning states, at a state level
Admins can customize messages that show on the products page and at the cart validation step for both restricted and warning states
RepSpark will automatically validates shipping addresses against the brand’s configured PFAS restrictions, restricting shipping to restricted states and displaying a warning to warning states
Buyers will receive clear notifications and validation messages about PFAS products during the order flow
What is a warning state and a restricted state?
Warning state: A state that CAN have PFAS products shipped to it, but the customer needs to be notified. If a PFAS product is being shipped to a warning state, the buyer will receive a warning in the cart validation step.
Restricted state: A state that CANNOT have PFAS products shipped to it. If a PFAS product is being shipped to a restricted state, the buyer will not be able to submit their order until they remove the PFAS products in the cart.
Why does it matter?
Starting January 2025, several states will implement new regulations restricting the sale of products containing PFAS. Our PFAS Product Restrictions feature helps you stay ahead of these changes by automatically managing where PFAS products can be shipped. Rather than manually tracking state-by-state regulations and risking accidental non-compliant shipments, RepSpark does the work for you. Your sales team can focus on selling while having confidence that orders will only be processed for allowed destinations. Plus, your customers will see clear, upfront messaging about any shipping restrictions, creating a transparent and frustration-free shopping experience.
Before You Start
Before enabling PFAS restrictions on your store, please ensure:
All customer shipping addresses in your ERP system have correctly formatted state data
You have tagged your products in the ERP as PFAS containing or not
Is PFAS Product = true or false
This step may require an update to your integration in order to map the field to RepSpark. Please contact RepSpark Support at [email protected] to start your implementation.
You have identified which states should be warning states vs. restricted states
You have prepared any custom messaging you want to display to customers
Tagging your products based on your ERP integration
For Shopify brands, you can tag your products using the ISPFAS tag.
For API integrations, you can add a product extension ISPFAS to the products that contain PFAS.
For all other ERP integrations, you'll need to add the value to your ERP, and then work with our Professional Services team to update your integration to map the field to RepSpark. Please contact RepSpark Support at [email protected] to start your implementation.
Steps Overview
Enable PFAS in the admin panel
Configure your warning states and restricted states
Customize your messages on the product details page and order validation
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1 - Enable PFAS in the Admin Panel

Navigate to Store Settings in your Admin Panel
Find the "PFAS Product Restrictions" section
Toggle the "Enable PFAS Shipping Restrictions" switch to ON
Toggling will enable you to configure the rest of the settings.
Step 2 - Configure Warning States and Restricted States
Once PFAS is enabled, you'll see two state configuration sections:
Warning States: Orders will show a warning but can proceed
Restricted States: Orders cannot be completed
Use the dropdown menus to select states for each category
Step 3 - Customize Your Messages
Configure three types of customer-facing messages:
Product Details Message
Appears on product pages for PFAS-containing items
Example: "This product contains PFAS and may have shipping restrictions."
Warning State Message
Shown during checkout for warning states
Example: "Your cart contains PFAS products. Please note shipping restrictions may apply."
Restricted State Message
Displayed when attempting to ship to restricted states
Example: "PFAS products cannot be shipped to your selected address. Please remove the products and try again."
Make sure to click Save. And you’re all set up! Now you can go over to the Products page and test it out. On the product details page, for restricted products, your message will show in the description.
In the order validation step, if there is a PFAS product in the cart and the shipping address is to a restricted state, the custom message will appear and restrict the customer from submitting their order.
Optional Customizations
The following customizations can be implemented with changes made to your integration that may carry a development cost:
Customer Exclusions
Allows specific customers to be exempt from PFAS restrictions
This is useful for distributor-type customers, who might ship to California to be distributed to the end user and are exempt from PFAS restrictions
Custom PFAS Filter and Column
Customize the PFAS filter name on the Products page
Add a custom PFAS column to the Products list view
Pricing and Requesting Customizations
To request customizations:
Contact RepSpark Support
Support will connect you with the Account Management team
Account Management will provide a detailed quote and timeline
Need Help?
If you need assistance with PFAS setup or have questions about customizations, please contact RepSpark Support at [email protected].