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Options Sheet Upload Details

The Options sheet is where all codes are linked to their descriptions that are shown on the site.  This is usually the most confusing sheet but each option links to a code in another sheet.

Please find details of each column below and whether or not it is required.

KeyCode- Required- This is the code that links to the other codes int eh other files.  For example, there are codes in the other sheets for 

  • Color
  • Season
  • Salesperson
  • CustomerTerms
  • ShippingOptions
  • ProductCategory

Codes and Descriptions could be the same in some instances, but you will still need to fill in the sheets.  Each column above will need to have an entry in the options sheet.

ElementType- Required- This is the column on the sheet that each code maps to (please note, some do not match exactly- sorry for that!- Just use the examples above for the element types)

  • Color
  • Season
  • Salesperson
  • CustomerTerms
  • ShippingOptions
  • ProductCategory

Description- Required- This is the longer description name for each option element.  For example, BLK of element type Color might be Black.  Or long description for RB for element type salesperson might be Rob Brown.

ParentCode- Leave Blank-Not to Be used in Initial Implementation.

DivisionCode- Required on ALL sheets-This should be a 2 character code that is used through the sheets.  In the case of multiple division you may have more than one (this is not very common- please reach out to [email protected] if you have more than one division).  This could be anything if you do not use a division code internally (example: RS for RepSpark).

Order By- Not Required- This would be the order you want the options to be listed in a drop down.  For example, for season, you may want Spring 2020 to be before Fall 2019 in a drop down.  If not noted, the order will be set by alphabetical order.

EnabledRequired- This will be either TRUE or FALSE.  Any line with TRUE will be displayed on the site.  Any line with FASLE will be hidden.  This allows data to remain in the sheet but be hidden if options are not active, etc.

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