Please find details of each column below and whether or not it is required.
DivisionCode- Required on ALL sheets-This should be a 2 character code that is used through the sheets. In the case of multiple division you may have more than one (this is not very common- please reach out to [email protected] if you have more than one division). This could be anything if you do not use a division code internally (example: RS for RepSpark).
CustomerCode-Required- This will be the customer code you use with your internal systems. This is required, so if you do not use customer codes, you can make them up and just number numerically. This is a searchable field when looking for a customer to select.
StoreCode- NOT Required- You would use this if you have multiple store locations for the same customer code (for example: Jacks Surf Shop has 3 different stores- one in Irvine, one in Orlando and one in Miami.). Each store would have its own entry with the same customer code and a different store number for each address.
In the example below, column B is all the same customer code. However, columns C (storecode) and the addresses are each different. If using multiple stores, please note in the final column T, you will mark which address is the bill to and which ones are the different ship to addresses associated with the Bill To. (Please download attached titled Customers-Multi Store Example if you want more detail)
DBA- NOT Required- Doing Business As- Use this if the popular name is different from the standard name of the customer. This is a searchable field when looking for a customer to select.
Address 1- NOT Required- Just what you think! First line of address. This will be visible throughout order entry once a customer is selected. Although it's not required, it is highly recommended.
Address 2- NOT Required- Just what you think! Second line of address-Suite, Floor, etc. This will be visible throughout order entry once a customer is selected. Although it's not required, it is highly recommended.
City- NOT Required- Just what you think! The address city. This will be visible throughout order entry once a customer is selected. Although it's not required, it is highly recommended.
State- NOT Required- Just what you think! The address state. This will be visible throughout order entry once a customer is selected. Although it's not required, it is highly recommended.
Zip- NOT Required- Just what you think! The address zip code. This will be visible throughout order entry once a customer is selected. Although it's not required, it is highly recommended.
Country- NOT Required- Just what you think! The address country-This will be displayed as typed in. This will be visible throughout order entry once a customer is selected. Although it's not required, it is highly recommended.
Name-NOT Required- But highly recommended- This is the Customer Store name (Example: Jacks Surf Shop). This is a searchable field when looking for a customer to select.
Phone Number- NOT Required- Store phone number.
Fax Number-NOT Required (obviously- does anyone even have a fax number?)- Store fax number.
SalespersonCode- Required- This is the salesperson code associated with the account. If you do no have salesperson just put HOUS to represent a House account This can be different per store.
ShippingMethodCode-NOT Required- But highly recommended-This would be the ship methods associated with the customer (ex. FedEx, Ground, etc.). This will be blank on the order if not filled in.
DiscountPercentage- NOT Required- This is a set discount the particular customer gets off wholesale.
TermsCode-NOT Required- But highly recommended-This is he customer's default terms (Net 30, Net 90, Credit Card, etc.). This will be blank on the order if not filled in.
TypeCode- Ignore for initial implementation.
Enabled- Required- This will be either TRUE or FALSE. Any line with TRUE will be displayed on the site. Any line with FASLE will be hidden. This allows data to remain in the sheet but be hidden if customers are not active, etc.
IsBillTo- Required if using multiple stores-This field is used to designate the Bill To address for any address entry that has multiple stores.